Daniel Buxton

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My Portfolio

All work available on Github

Think of a number game

Developed using:

  • JS class
  • JS objects

Randomly generates a random number between 1 and 100 inclusive that the user must guess. Once the user guesses a number, it will display 'too high' / 'too low' and a colour to repersent how far away the guess is (red, blue, and none). Once guessed, the colour will be green and the user will be unable to guess another number until the game is reset. Play the game!

Automated Code Generation

Developed using:

  • C# 9
  • Docker

Randomly generates a random number between 1 and 100 inclusive that the user must guess. Once the user guesses a number, it will display 'too high' / 'too low' and a colour to repersent how far away the guess is (red, blue, and none). Once guessed, the colour will be green and the user will be unable to guess another number until the game is reset. Play the game!

Treasure hunt game

Developed using:

  • JSON
  • Local storage
  • Asynchronous programming

A multi-levelled game that displays a grid to the user with hidden images/items behind them. The game displays a clue at a random middle point in the game. Once the multi-levelled has been selected, it will randomize a grid size, number of wrong guesses allowed and the amount of items. Play the game!

Fish tank game

Developed using:

  • Canvas
  • ECMAScript objects

Randomly generates a random number between 1 and 100 inclusive that the user must guess. Once the user guesses a number, it will display 'too high' / 'too low' and a colour to repersent how far away the guess is (red, blue, and none). Once guessed, the colour will be green and the user will be unable to guess another number until the game is reset. Play the game!


Developed using:

  • CSS3 animation
  • ECMAScript

A multi-levelled game that displays a grid to the user with hidden images/items behind them. The game displays a clue at a random middle point in the game. Once the multi-levelled has been selected, it will randomize a grid size, number of wrong guesses allowed and the amount of items. Play the game!